I've dedicated Fridays as Community Outreach Day so I actively listen for or seek opportunities where SJ and I can serve. Unfortunately for her, but fortunately for us, a friend needed a boost this week as she faced a mountain of crises all at once. She had mentioned that her yard was making her mental in the midst of everything else. I get that because if my home and yard are not in order, as in mostly neat and orderly, my whole world seems off-kilter. It makes everything else even worse. Overwhelming for her. Simple for us.
My son went with a great attitude and just a little coaching. Repeat after me, "Trimming your bushes was no big deal." Sometimes we go into the blessing knowing that it is the right thing to do, but not really thrilled with the doing.
It turned out that my friend had an electric trimmer. Need I say more?
His turn at offering himself reaped a surprisingly enjoyable afternoon in the midst of his work, not to mention a healthy tip. A perfect end to the week.
Our biggest challenge this week came as we lost our Monday to Labor Day (I tried to convince SJ that Labor meant work. He didn't buy it.) and added both my bible study (Tuesday mornings) and his writing lesson (Thursday mornings). I am still learning how to accommodate our together work around our commitments.
Besides the blessing part, my favorite part of the week was starting Chemistry. I'm not sure who was more excited. I think I have mentioned before that I managed to avoid Chemistry and Physics all the way through to my B.S. It petrified me. After being married to my Man-Husband and mothering Man-Son #1, who both dig and understand the sciences, I've come to appreciate that science has much to offer. Today we started making a Lithmus liquid.
Gotta love the safety glasses! |
For now, many blessings. CS

Sounds busy! Love that you're including service projects!